Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mental health and physical health posts

Technically speaking, I've been blogging about health for over a year now. You see, I have bipolar one disorder and I blog about it, offering everything from advice to useless rants, on my bipolar blog called "The Bipolar One". But I want to cover more health.

This blog, "How To Health Tips", will cover both mental and physical health. Yes, there will be health tips. However, the aim is to help you stay on top on all aspects of your health by providing information that has been researched.

I've got a lot to share when it comes to keeping the mind healthy, and the body healthy. This is because it's a daily battle for me. There are things that make it difficult to stay on top of my own health. Furthermore, I've learned quite a bit about the best ways to stay fit over the years. The fact that I have bipolar one disorder has only made things more complicated. But in the end, I think it's been for the better.

I may show a preference to mental health, but don't worry, staying fit is something that very much interests me. I know what needs to be done in order to be in top shape, and at this point in time, getting back into shape is something I need to do. The fact that I want to take more control over my health will keep my eye on the ball, aka physical health.

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